The Most Romantic Meal Ever

We’re not sure what qualifies as romantic in other families, but this is it in ours: homemade fettuccine with a tomato sausage sauce, roasted asparagus, and slices of italian bread. Why is this romantic? Well, there are many reasons…
For our first official date, Robin came over to Chris’s college apartment. With the help of his roommates, Chris prepared a homemade fettuccine (with scallops). There are those who will say, “that’s nice” – but wait! There’s more.

Up until that point Chris had been a die hard vegetarian. His willingness to forgo a strict vegetarian diet at that meal signalled the beginning of two very serious romances: the first (and obviously, the more important) with Robin and the second with sausage.

The romance of tonight’s meal doesn’t end with sausage (afterall, sausage is a prelude to romance). While dining tonight, we listened to Mel Tormé, ripped to MP3 from the very CD that provided atmosphere on that very first dinner date. For the guys reading this, nothing says sophistication nor romance like “Melvie”.

The romantic aspects continue with the blizzard of ‘03 having just dumped 2½ feet of snow outside. In upstate New York, where we both attended school, there was always four feet of snow on the ground. Without lots of snow, the romance just isn’t the same.

Furthermore, we enjoy a bottle of Bully Hill wine with dinner. Again hearkening back to our upstate New York days, we explored the many not-so-famous wineries up there. While they may not be world famous, many of them are quite good. Our favorite was Bully Hill. We liked spending time with the folks there. For one magical summer, we very much enjoyed several bottles of their wine every week.

If all of that isn’t enough, we finish the meal with some chocolate soufflé.

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