April Fool's Soup and Pasta

April Fool’s Day falls on a Tuesday this year. That means Chris has a “Half-Price Burger Day” lunch. Because it is unlikely that Chris’s stomach can expand any further, we opt for a simple soup and pasta for dinner tonight.
We’ve had a butternut squash resting in our spare room for quite some time now. We use that as the base for one of our favorites, butternut squash soup. As an accompaniment, we make a mushroom fontina sauce to serve over pasta.

The mushroom fontina sauce is identical to the sauce in the pasta with mushroom gruyère sauce that we made last year, except that we replace gruyère with fontina. Just like we made mac & cheese from the leftover gruyère sauce last year, we make plenty of fontina sauce this year so that we can enjoy some mac & cheese later this week.

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