
Week end proves quite the challenge. The adults are tired and we are running low on supplies. The temptation to go out for dinner is especially strong. Tonight, we resist and, as usual, we are better off for it.
We had some hope that our son might partake of the main course. He enjoys the spinach ricotta pizza from Brick Over Pizza down in Fells Point. He even eats the spinach off the pizza when he is getting full. It was just not the same, so he ate what his sisters both ate—some plain eggs and toast.

One of our favorite reasons for eating at home is to save money. The kids seem to have a natural inclination to prefer a restaurant over a home cooked meal. Despite this, they tend to be better behaved at home.

Getting the meal on the table can seem overwhelming some days. Once everyone is eating, we are more often than not quite content, which is the whole point of a home-cooked meal.

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