Horseradish Sauce

This is a simple sour cream based sauce to accompany beef fondue. The sauce would also work well with smoked salmon (perhaps with a bit more lemon).

Servings and Times

Serves: 4
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Tools and Appliances

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We put the sour cream in a medium bowl. When we measure the horseradish, we also drain the excess liquid by pressing the back of a spoon onto it as we tilt the measuring cup over the horseradish jar. We add the drained horseradish to the sour cream along with the lemon juice, and some salt and pepper. We stir well and taste for seasoning. We refrigerate until time to serve.

When it is time to serve, we give it another quick stir, divide the mixture into 4 prep bowls and, using kitchen scissors, we snip the cleaned chives on top of each portion.

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