A Labor Day Cookout

We shared a very large meal with Sarah and Eric this Labor day. It’s our considered opinion that we prepared proper proportions, especially given that the meal was supposed to be a combined effort. We’re not complaining though, since we get to keep lots of Eric’s Gorgonzola Star Pasta (and other dishes) for leftovers.
After a quick trip to the Maryland state fair this morning, we were certainly ready for a large meal tonight. We were all very restrained at the fair, indulging only in a single funnel cake shared between the four of us.

The meal tonight was definitely a group effort. Eric provided the sausages (marinated in beer, of course) and some cold gorgonzola pasta.

Robin prepared the shrimp and the fresh guacamole. The shrimp kebabs were similar in preparation to those from the other night, but with the added minced jalapeno that we felt were lacking in that dish.

Sarah helped with the preparation of the kebabs, getting the shrimp and veggies on the skewers. She did an admirable job except for one sad looking skewer with a single, lonely shrimp among a whole bunch of mushrooms. All kidding aside, it was nice to have Sarah back as our sous chef.

Chris did the grilling. Everyone was glad that nothing was burned – too much.

All in all, it was a fine holiday meal that was enjoyed by all.

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