Cajun Shrimp

Sarah came over for her semi-regular Monday night meal. We serve some of our favorite red-meat free dishes: cajun shrimp and black bean soup. As these are old favorites, there are no new recipes for our cookbook, though we peel the shrimp prior to cooking it, which works well enough that we’ll probably update the recipe in the future.
We’re extremely hesitant to mention this in a cookbook, but Sarah (who is expecting her first) had a unique introduction to the realities of parenthood, which we couldn’t let pass without note. Our boy had been mushy all day and looked a little flushed before dinner. Hoping for the best, we went ahead with dinner, which was very nice. Just after dinner, however …

It took us a week to recover from what happened next. For that week, we referred to this meal solely as “barf-o-rama”. More than slightly shocked, Sarah returned home to tell Eric that he was going to be responsible for similar situations in their household.

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