Very Cheap, Very Good Calzones

As far as we are concerned, this was a perfect meal. It was delicious, filling, involved very little clean-up, and it was darn cheap.
We used up the last of the Trader Joe’s pizza dough. Tonight’s dough ball produced enough to feed the entire family—with leftovers. Not bad for 79¢!

We had the whole wheat dough tonight, making dinner slightly healthier than it would have been with regular dough. There was no noticeable lack of taste. As long as course salt is spread on top, it’s good.

The baby was a miserable little kid today. She is still getting over a sickness, so we’ll forgive her today. Still, there was a lot of screaming.

The kids enjoyed the breadsticks that we fashioned from the dough. They were a little unsure of the spinach ricotta filling despite it being fairly close to the BOP topping, but eventually they ate and seemed to enjoy.

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