Okra and Grits—Not Kid Favorites

The kids greeted this meal cooly. “What is that?” “Is that the baby’s rice cereal?” We had hoped that they might try a little and find that they liked either okra or grits. Alas, it was not to be.
We enjoyed the meal. The salmon (which the kids did eat) and shrimp were both perfectly grilled and quite tasty. We are suckers for grits (having been introduced to them by Chris’s grandfather when we lived in Indiana). Okra is a wonderful companion for grits—making for a very southern meal.

The one item on tonight’s menu that we did not enjoy was the corn. We bought it at one of the stands at the farmer’s market Sunday. It may have been too old or that particular stand may have had a poor selection that day. Whatever the reason, the corn was too starchy and not sweet enough. Not even grilling it could caramelize it.

Thankfully the rest of the meal was good.

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