
We still have plenty of Let’s Dish meals in the ice box. Tonight we enjoy a pesto chicken pizza that Robin made on her last visit. Everyone eats, though our daughter was a bit of a pain about it. If we are not careful, she will end up like her grandmother—picking onions and tomatoes and various other bits of food stuff from her meals.
Before the summer began, our daughter drew up a weekly schedule of activities. We missed cooking day this week, so we combine bookstore and cooking days today. To adhere to her schedule, Robin and the older two make marshmallows. They were surprisingly easy and quite fun to make. Best of all, they were delicious. The only downside being the mess—hopefully all of the fluff came out of our son’s hair in the shower. After dinner and a trip to the bookstore (it was bookstore day) for more summer reading we settle in for a little dessert. S’mores, of course!
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